
Paul Leduc

Paul was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree from the University of Ottawa, later trained at the International Academy of Massage and is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC).

Paul grew up with a strong desire to train and spent much of youth studying different training methods. This eventually led him to discover Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell. Reading about training at Westside and the Conjugate Sequencing System only peaked Paul’s interest even further. Later, Paul would find his way to the lectures of Dr. Andreo Spina and the Functional Range System.

When not working, Paul can be found in the gym or spending time with his wife and kids.

Marc Leduc

Marc is a graduate of the International Academy of Massage and is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC).

As a former university athlete, he has accumulated many injuries and massage therapy played a big role in getting him healthy and allowing him to train and stay active. This is what led him to becoming a Registered Massage Therapist.

Additional Certifications:
-Active Release Techniques (ART) – full body 2019
-Functional Range Conditioning – 2022
-Functional Range Release (Upper Body) – 2023
-Functional Assessment – 2023

These types of therapies can help with many different conditions, including: tension headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis/golfer’s elbow, sciatic nerve issues, back pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and shoulder pain to name a few. They can be done separately from regular massage, or can be combined in the same treatment. 

When not at work, Marc enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, working out, and watching football.

Commitment to Education

Studying and maintaining appropriate Continuing Education is a huge part of my role as a Health Care Provider.